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Happy Family in the Park

The Basic Philosophy

At the core of Jacqueline’s practice is the understanding that parental alienation is a form of emotional and psychological abuse perpetuated upon children. 

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About Jacqueline

Jacqui dedicates her practice to consulting with parents, counsel, and the Court to understand and address severe parental alienation. At the core of her practice is the understanding that parental alienation is a form of emotional and psychological abuse perpetuated upon children. Her work is vital as few professionals specialize in severe parental alienation. She seeks to support parents, lawyers, judges, and community agencies to effectively work with these cases, understanding that parental alienation is unique and cannot be categorized as high conflict. Having gained a reputation for understanding and working with severe parental alienation, many lawyers and parents and mental health professionals have developed a more appropriate response to dealing with alienated children and understanding the treatment options available to them.

Services for Parents

Services for Lawyers

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